Refund policy

Return and Refund 10-Day Return Policy!


To return an item shipped by Emywebs, you have the option to do so through Celeritas or Correos. You must select your preferred option during the online return process.


Defective Item If you receive a defective item, before initiating the return process, you must fill out this form with all the information regarding the defect to expedite the handling of your request. Please note that it is important to complete this procedure; otherwise, we will be unable to accept your return.


How to Receive a Refund

Depending on the payment method you used, we will refund you as follows:

• Credit Card: You will receive a credit to the account associated with your card, which you can verify in your statement. The payment settlement date is beyond our control.

• Paypal: You will receive a credit to your PayPal account.

• Bank Transfer: You will receive a direct credit to your bank account.

• Cash on Delivery: We will transfer the amount to your bank account. During the online return process, we will request your banking details (IBAN/BIC).

• Emywebs Gift Card or Balance: You will receive the refund as Emywebs balance in your user account.


Please note that even if you return the order, express shipping costs are non-refundable.


Keep in mind that it may take up to 10 business days from the time you deliver the package to the carrier until we receive it at Emywebs and confirm the refund for your return.
